How can we support you?


 /ˈsēlə/ - (say-luh) Hebrew origin, meaning to praise, lift up, and pause.

Our Vision
To disciple mothers to live healthy lives in the family, home, and the greater community for the glory of God.

“I don’t know where I’d be without Selah, I don’t know where my baby would be. Thank you.”

— Former Resident

  • Find safe and supportive housing for mothers and their children in crisis. Here, women learn the role of motherhood through the teaching of the gospel and basic life and parenting skills.  

  • -New and expectant mothers
    -Mothers who are at risk of homelessness
    -Mothers whose children are at risk of apprehension/or being placed in the care of child welfare
    -Mothers who are vulnerable due to past life experiences or mental health

Everyone deserves a safe community of love and support, with room to grow, nurture, be nurtured, and thrive. Be a part of that neighbourhood for Selah moms and become a monthly donor of any amount.

  • $50 provides diapers for a month for baby

  • $100 provides a monthly bus pass for 2 moms

  • $250 provides groceries for one mom for an entire month